Time to set up Omnipilot
Get our desktop app to use Omnipilot.
If you haven't already, download it here.

Account details
Subscriptions and Billing
Pick a plan, or manage your subscriptions.
$9$5.40 / month
for 3 months, then $9 / month
Autocomplete everywhere
Basic-quality models
By far the cheapest way to use the best AI
$19$11.40 / month
for 3 months, then $19 / month
GPT + Claude everywhere
1000 GPT4 or Opus uses
In-context generation
Best models
Priority support
$49$29.40 / month
for 3 months, then $49 / month
Everything in Standard, and
10,000 GPT4 or Opus uses
Free AI productivity coaching
Feature prioritization